Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Christmas Fun

Games for the Christmas Holiday

When you have a lot people over for Christmas Dinner you'll want to plan some
fun activities they can do while dinner is cooking. While some guests of course
may prefer to watch games on TV while dinner is cooking, there will be some
who will prefer other activities for fun. Here's some fun table games your guest
can play while waiting for dinner.

Board Games

Board games have always been popular through out the years, so be sure to
have some on hand. For the kids you'll want something like chutes and ladders,
candyland, monopoly, yahtzee, game of life, wheel of fortune, or scrabble to
name a few.

Tablecloth Coloring

Another fun activity for the little ones is to get a tablecloth that they can color
on and decorate. This should be one of those disposable types of tablecloths of
course, as you don't want to ruin your good stuff. Have them date it and put
their name on it as this will give you something to look back on and remember
fond memories when they are all grown up.

Outdoor Games

If the weather permits, perhaps some outdoor games would be a good way to
pass the time until dinner is ready. They could play a game of Frisbee, soccer
ball, football, horseshoes, or even a simple little croquet game would be fun!

Sharing stories

For example you could have everyone share their stories about the best or
worst presents they ever got! They would have to describe the gift and
describe why they thought it was the best or worst gift they ever got.

Guess that food dish

Let those who aren't helping prepare the dinner try to guess what dishes are
going to be served by smelling them with their eyes closed. The easy stuff like
ham, turkey, roast etc doesn’t count, as those are easy but how about some of
those side dishes! For instance can they tell squash from sweet potatoes,
Brussels sprouts from cauliflower etc. Let the winner have a taste of the dish of
their choice!

Puppet Show

Puppet show - Put on a puppet show acting out some Christmas Stories can be
another great way to entertain the little ones and help pass the time as well! If
you can video tape the puppet show it will make for great entertainment and
wonderful memories in years to come as well.

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